Agartala, October 9, 2024: In a vehement condemnation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), former Chief Minister of Tripura and Politburo member Manik Sarkar asserted on Wednesday that the BJP is embroiled in a “conspiracy to subvert the Constitution.”
Sarkar’s criticism extended beyond the BJP, as he addressed the contentious election results in Haryana. He noted the Congress party’s grave allegations regarding alleged rigging of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), highlighting their refusal to accept the outcomes. “The Congress has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the election process, pointing to significant irregularities,” he stated, emphasizing the escalating tensions surrounding electoral legitimacy.
Despite the challenges, Sarkar expressed a hopeful outlook, proclaiming that the recent electoral victory in Jammu and Kashmir symbolizes a resurgence of democratic ideals. “This success will galvanize citizens nationwide to defend our democratic principles vigorously,” he declared, urging the populace to remain vigilant against any forces threatening their democratic rights.